When’s the last time you heard someone say, “We’ve always done it this way”? It was probably said with good intention, because it’s generally synonymous with “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” In the hectic, day-to-day business world, relying on a tried-and-true approach is often a harmless, natural course of action.
It’s easy to get caught up in the motions. To make matters even more complex, it may be true that the current tactic is, in fact, working. This is not to say that you shouldn’t learn from past success (and failure). However, resting on your laurels is often subterfuge — a last-ditch effort to remain relevant. Simply relying on past achievements can lead to stagnation.
However, when companies embrace a culture of change, they maximize their potential.
Companies That Stay Static Don’t Succeed
Let’s consider the history of television. Beginning in 1948, and continuing for decades, the airwaves were dominated by the big three networks: ABC, CBS and NBC. It wasn’t until 1986 that these heavy hitters faced competition from Fox, which emerged as the fourth viable commercial network station. Since then, we’ve seen the rise of cable programming, the introduction of pay-per-view programming and the growing trend of digital streaming.
This history is obviously marked by growth. New technology leads to new products. New ideas inspire an upheaval of tradition. And cultural interests and trends influence viewer content and consumption preferences. However, the core of this progress is innovation. And when companies have the foresight to adapt accordingly, they’re at the center of this change.
I’ve recently seen a meme making the rounds on LinkedIn and Facebook. It begins with: “Netflix did not kill Blockbuster. Ridiculous late fees did.” The post makes a slew of similar comparisons before ending with the following claim: “Technology by itself is not the disruptor. Not being customer-centric is the biggest threat to any business.”
Here’s the thing though. Netflix did, in part, overtake Blockbuster. Sure, late fees were a major pain (and, coincidentally, one of the reasons that Netflix was founded in the first place). But I think attributing the fall Blockbuster solely to a lack of customer-centricity is a bit of an exaggeration, and that the demise of the former video rental giant was more so spurned by a resistance to change.
Blockbuster Was In Charge Of Its Fate, But Refused To Change
Back in 2000, when Netflix was still an up-and-comer, Reed Hastings, the company’s CEO and cofounder, proposed a partnership to Blockbuster’s CEO, John Antioco. He suggested a plan in which Netflix would handle Blockbuster’s online services, and Blockbuster would manage Netflix’s physical DVD rentals. Netflix had just begun subscription services, and Hastings saw a future in this model. However, as the story goes, Hastings was laughed out of the room.
Rather than partner up, Blockbuster continued to focus on physical rental stores. That same year, the company even turned down an offer to purchase Netflix for $50 million. In 2007, Blockbuster saw new leadership and a shift in its business strategy that emphasized online streaming. But it was too late. In 2010, Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy protection due to losses, debt and competition from Netflix and other on-demand services.
Other than serving as an allegory for future businesses, in my opinion, the demise of Blockbuster is a case of extreme hubris — and, more importantly, what happens when you oppose change. By the time Netflix began its meteoric rise, Blockbuster had already reached stagnation. This goes to show that, even if you don’t evolve, it’s likely that your competitors will do so without you noticing. And by the time you do, you’re already one step behind.
Inspiring A Culture Of Change
Many of our problems stem from fear: of failing, of the new, of the unfamiliar. And the worst part? This dread can be subtle and might manifest itself in unfamiliar ways. There’s a difference between a company that sticks to its guns and one that’s simply afraid of change. Whereas the former may fizzle out, the latter is prone to failure from the start. Regardless, fear is one of the most potentially destructive impediments for businesses.
Fear prevents an organization from taking action — or, in some cases, from doing anything at all. Part of combating fear is knowing how and when to inspire it. It isn’t about change for the sake of change. Identifying opportunities for organizational transformation takes some finesse. As an intangible concept, intuition is something that cannot be taught outright. Rather, this insight is something that must be discovered and developed across an organization.
As a leader, it is your responsibility to harness a proclivity for adaptation among your employees. I believe it’s important to always ask yourself, “How can I, as a leader, empower my employees to believe in the power of change?” This is accomplished by letting your employees be skeptical of societal norms and industry standards, and by aligning role-specific objectives around your organization’s overarching strategy.
Perhaps most importantly, though, creating a culture of change means talking to your people. Sure, ongoing communication builds trust. But it also creates an environment where your employees are able to question the current climate of your company and your industry. By empowering your team to approach their day-to-day with careful consideration — and an eye for change — you can transform “We’ve always done it this way” to “What can we do better?”