Done something wrong and fear that your actions might be followed up with the services of a professional Private Investigator? Perhaps you overheard something you weren’t supposed to or you did something that wasn’t exactly “fair play.” Either way, there are literally millions of reasons as to why a Private Investigator may have been assigned to tail you, so it’s important to know what to look out for if that’s the case.
With over thirty years’ experience as one of Australia’s top private investigation firms, we’ve seen a lot and we’ve done a lot, so now we’re going to share the 15 most obvious signs that you’re being followed or put under surveillance by investigators:
Your smartphone, be it an iPhone or an Android, will sometimes light up or vibrate even when it’s not being used, or no messages, calls or notifications are coming through – this is an indication of a bug placed by a PI.
Private Investigators will always use one of two vehicles, so if you see either a grey Ford Galaxy or a black Holden Commodore parked or driving anywhere near you, be weary.
All private investigators carry at least two cameras; one as their primary to take the best shots and one as their back-up in case the other fails. These cameras can come in all different shapes and sizes, but if you ever notice someone with a camera with a huge lens on it, and a smaller one by their side, the jig is up.
Most private investigators wear disguises when on the job. They can be as complex as Hollywood-quality, fake moustaches and prosthetics, or as simple as baseball caps. It is often their dress sense that gives this away however; seen someone wearing a suit and a baseball cap? How about a doctor’s uniform with a handle-bar moustache and the ol’ Ray Ban Aviators? Watch out for oddly dressed people.
When investigators come to take photos, through their training they are made to breathe during their shots the same way… or at least, in a “similar” way to that of Snipers pulling the trigger on their rifles; so if you happen to walk past a “photographer” who is breathing heavily or breathing the word’s, “Yeah,” or “Just like that,” or even, “Gimme one more,” they’re a PI.
This one goes without saying… if you see a camera pointed at you by someone standing next to something, and that person isn’t from; Vietnam, China, Japan, North or South Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar or Thailand, then it’s most likely you’re being snapped by a PI
Most top private investigators will try to grab your attention with a distraction so that you don’t see them while they’re taking pictures of you. As such, they will often go about doing things like putting money on the floor so that when you bend down to get it they’ve got you.
If ever you use the Facebook or Skype Apps on your phones and your calls are randomly disconnected, your messages aren’t sent or received, or you lose call quality, this is a sure-fire sign of another bug placed on your device by a professional Private Investigator.
When you’re in a busy place such as a bar, club or even a big restaurant; if you see someone making eye contact with you, then touching the person immediately to their left (your right), and then whispering something to them, what’s actually going on is there’s a microphone received in the left-hand person’s ear, information from which is being sent to the grey Ford Galaxy or black Holden Commodore parked outside.
Ever opened your fridge in the morning, expecting there to be a little milk or orange juice left over, only to find that it’s gone? This is the work of a Private Eye. They want you to leave your house and go to the shops so that it’s easier for them to take photos of you.
When you next walk down the street and come across either a man or woman, pay attention to whether they’re wearing sunglasses, followed by gently lowering their heads as they walk by you, in a gesture similar to that of a head bob. Don’t be fooled by pleasantries – those people aren’t saying hello; the “head bob” activates a shutter release in the glasses, which are actually a covert camera, so they actually just took your picture.
Contrary to popular belief, Private Investigator’s no longer use magnifying glasses to find their suspects, so a word of advice, don’t look out for them. Instead, if you see anyone walking around aimlessly with their phone held in both hands in front of them, they’re likely trying to find a tracker they placed on your kit.
Private Investigator’s are notoriously “old school,” being relatively incapable of conforming to technological advances and today’s social norms. As such, if you ever see someone holding a newspaper, reading a magazine or looking at brochures or leaflets, they are most likely private investigators trying to blend in.
Another myth buster: despite being relatively behind in fashion and technological trends, Private Eyes have cottoned on to the fact that their long grey trench coats and Deerstalkers (the classic PI hat) were a bit of a giveaway, but instead, if no disguises are in place, the typical uniform consists of a Hawaiian or Bowling shirt, usually in bright colours, shorts of contrasting colours and sneakers. These pieces of clothing allow their skin to breath and provide freedom of movement. Bowling shirts are also irritant and chafe resistant, making long stints in cars or cramped spaces all the more bearable. So with that, if you see someone wearing these clothes, they are most likely a private investigator.
Whenever you walk or drive anywhere, you’ll notice that looking over your right shoulder sometimes reveals nothing out of the ordinary. However, try looking over your left instead. All private investigators are specifically trained to follow people from the left-hand side as 92% or individuals tend to look behind them over their right shoulders. If you see a someone, whether in a car or on foot, when you look over your left shoulder, they are almost definitely going to be a private detective
We’re glad you took a moment to keep yourselves mildly amused this afternoon; while our work is incredibly serious to us, it’s also important that we sometimes reflect on the simpler things in life, like a spot of humour.
For those of you who really have done something wrong and are a little afraid of the fact that you might be followed or put under surveillance; unfortunately, a reputable firm would never share true insights into how our work is carried out and, even less fortunately for you, if Precise Investigation is assigned to follow up on what you’ve done, there is genuinely very little that will ever give us away. You’re on your own.
If you’d like to explore your options in having a private investigator, or team thereof, working with you then please have a look at the following links:
Precise Investigation has quick and easy access to almost every city in Australia, with operatives based in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Hobart, Perth, Adelaide and even the more remote areas of the country. So, if you’re ever in need and you’d like a professional touch, please get in touch with us.