BJJ gi is a combat uniform that is explicitly made to tailor the needs of the ground grappling techniques. The dress code followed in the BJJ competition is known as the BJJ Gi or kimonos. Jiu jitsu training is incomplete without getting the gi.
In fact, you are not allowed to roll on the mat for the training until you have worn your gi in excellent condition. It is not only mundane for the jiu jitsu as per their rules and regulations, but it also depicts your impressive personality to the audience.
Taking good care of the BJJ gi lets it last for a more extended period. But you must have listened to some horror stories of people stuffing their gi in their bags without even folding them.
It is never a good idea at all!
This can ruin your gi that won’t allow the players to use it for the next competition. So, you must learn to fold the BJJ gi perfectly to participate and win the challenges.
Steps To Fold Gi Accurately
The Brazilian Gi attire comprises of jacket, belt, and pants. This dress code gives the players an edge to develop an excellent grappling position. Here are the detailed steps to follow to pack your gi bjj.
Set Your Gi Flat On Surface
The first step is to place your gi on a flat surface to fold the gi. You should ensure that bjj gi is not bunched or twisted in any way.
Fold the Pants
Now after keeping the gi flat, it is time to fold the gi pants. Start folding the pant length wise. Make sure both legs lay over each other and are accurately aligned. If there is any crease in the pant, smooth it out to prevent any wrinkles in the future.
After you are done with the half length of gi pants, it is time to fold the other half. Now fold the pants, so the waistband is precisely above the folded pants. Again, smooth out any creases so that it looks aligned, smooth, and free of wrinkles.
Put The Pants On Top Of The Jacket
After folding the bjj gi pants, let’s move to the jacket. Now, keep the folded pants on the jacket while your jacket is placed smoothly on the surface. Keep pants in a way that its leggings are in the direction of the jacket’s collar. You have to make sure that the jacket is not hanging off the edges.
Now when you have secured the pants on the jacket, fold the sleeves across the jacket’s chest. Again, make sure your entire fabric has no wrinkles.
Fold The Jacket In A Horizontal Direction
The only thing which is left to fold is the jacket now. You should fold the jackets into two parts. First, fold the jacket’s lower half to meet the collar. Afterward, fold the complete bjj gi in half, keeping the collar at the top. Make it crease free using your hands.
Gently Press Down The Gi
Once you have completely folded the gi, gently press it down to make it flat and smooth. Using the hands, align the entire attire and enhance its visual appearance. It will allure the eyes and take up a small space in your wardrobe.
Save For The Next Time Use
You are good to go and secure the BJJ gi uniform to store it for future use. Keep this folded gi in a neat, clean, and dry place to avoid any moisture or sunlight exposure.
Other Methods To Fold Your Jiujitsu Gi
There are two common methods of folding the Karate uniforms in the best manner, saving the gis.
1- Maki no Gi – Round fold
2- Shikaku no Gi – Backpack Fold
Maki no Gi – Round fold
This is the easiest and simplest way to fold your gi for bjj. You have to take gi pants and fold them in half. Now make it three equal sections. Take your jacket by the collar and cover the pants with it. Keep the sleeves tucked in the length of the jiu jitsu gi uniform. Now it is rolled in a circle, tie it with the belt, and you are done.
Shikaku no Gi – Backpack Fold
It is the go folding in the square shape. You have to put your pants inside the jacket and fold them. Now fold your jacket’s shoulder without any crease in it. Fold your jacket in half like a package. Tie the belt around the middle of the jacket. Turn the package and pass the belt through one end and tie the knot on the other side end. You can hide the knot inside the jacket backpack to give it an elegant look.
Why Do You Fold Your Bjj Gi?
Gi is the attire for the bjj training. Besides the uniform, it depicts beliefs and traditions of Gracie. Folding the gi jiu jitsu shows your professionalism and your commitment to your art. Also, it becomes easier for you to carry it along with you without giving it much space in your bag.
It also helps you to keep your gis neat and wrinkle free. As, most of the gis do not support the ironing. So, you have to wash and let it air dry to maintain its structure and fitting.
In a Nutshell
Folding your gi is crucial to perform actions on the mat. The way you present yourself in front of the audience boosts your confidence. It also makes it convenient for players to keep it with them without feeling much burden. To meet all the players’ presentation and comfort needs, Kombat LLCuses premium jiu jitsu gi fabric. It lasts for a long time without any wear and tear.
Follow these easy steps to fold the bjj gis precisely and keep it smooth to wear anytime!